Virtual University All Programs

There are several faculties at the Virtual University of Pakistan, offering courses to suit different academic interests and careers. Here is a breakdown of the courses every faculty offers:

Here Are Virtual University All Programs

Masters (2-Year) Programs

M.Sc. in:

  • Economics    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Applied Psychology    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Organizational Psychology    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Mass Communication    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)

M.A. in:

  • English Language Teaching (ELT)     (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)

Bachelor of Science (4–year) Programs

BS in:

  • Economics 
  • Mass Communication
  • Psychology
  • Sociology 
  • English (Applied Linguistics)

Associate Degree (2-Year) Programs

Associate Degree Program in:

  • Arts
  • Mass Communication
  • Psychology

Diploma (1-Year) Programs

Diploma in:

  • Applied Psychology
  • Television Production
  • English Language Teaching (ELT)
  • Linguistics

Post Graduate Diploma (1-Year) Programs   (Offered upto Spring 2020)

PGD in:

  • Applied Psychology
  • Television Production

Faculty of C S and IT

Ph.D Program

Ph.D in:

  • Computer Science  (Admissions will be announced at later stage.)

Master of Science (2–year) Program

MS in:

  • Computer Science

Masters (2-Year) Programs

Master of:

  • Computer Science (MCS)     (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Information Technology (MIT)     (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Computer Science (MCS) Only for VU Graduates     (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Information Technology (MIT) Only for VU Graduates    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)

Bachelor of Science (4–year) Programs

BS in:

  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology
  • Software Engineering

Associate Degree (2-Year) Programs

ADP in:

  • Computer Networking
  • Database Management System
  • Web Design and Development
  • Computer Science

Diploma (1-Year) Programs

Diploma in:

  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology

Post Graduate Diploma (1-Year) Programs   (Offered upto Spring 2020)

PGD in:

  • Computer Science
  • Information Technology

Deficiency Semester

  • For Admission towards MCS/MIT (Admissions Halted by University)

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Faculty of Education

Master of Philosophy (2–year) Program

M.Phil. in:

  • Education (Educational Leadership & Management)  (Admissions will be announced at a later stage.)

Master of Education (M.Ed.) (1-Year) Program

  • M.Ed. (1-Year)     (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)

B.Ed. (Hons.) Elementary 4 Year Program

  • B.Ed. (Hons.) Elementary
  • B.Ed. (Hons.) Early Childhood Care and Education (4 Years)

B.Ed. Secondary (1.5-Year) Program [as per HEC new education road map]

  • B.Ed. Secondary (1.5-Year)

B.Ed. Elementary (2-Year) Program [as per HEC new education road map]

  • B.Ed. Elementary (2-Year)

B.Ed. Elementary (2.5-Year) Program [as per HEC new Teacher’s Training education road map]

  • B.Ed. Elementary (2.5-Year)

Associate Degree (2–year) Program

Associate Degree in:

  • Education 
  • Early Childhood Care and Education

Diploma (1-Year) Program

Diploma in:

  • Education

Post Graduate Diploma (1-Year) Programs   (Offered upto Spring 2020)

PGD in:

  • Education

Faculty of Management

Master of Science (2–year) Program

  • MS (Business Administration)   (Admissions will be announced at later stage.)
  • MBA (Equivalent to MS)   (Admissions Halted by the University)

Masters (2-Year) Programs

Master of:

  • Accounting    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Accounting & Finance    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Banking & Finance    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Business Administration (MBA)-Executive)   (Admissions Halted by the University)
  • Business Economics (MB Econ)     (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Business Studies (MBS) Equivalent to BBS – Leading to MBA /MSBA   (Admissions Halted by the University)
  • Commerce (M.Com)    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Finance    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Human Resource Management (MHRM)    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Operations & Supply Chain Management     (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Public Administration (MPA)    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)

Bachelor of Science (4–year) Programs

  • BS (Accounting and Finance)   (Admissions Halted by the University)
  • BS (Banking & Finance)   (Admissions Halted by the University)
  • BS (Business Administration)
  • BS (Commerce)
  • BS (Commerce) for degree holders   (Admissions Halted by the University)
  • BS (Management)   (Admissions Halted by the University)
  • BS (Marketing)   (Admissions Halted by the University)
  • BS (Public Administration)
  • Bachelor of Business & Information Technology (BBIT)

Associate Degree (2-Year) Programs

Associate Degree Program in:

  • Accounting & Finance 
  • Islamic Banking 
  • Human Resource Management 
  • Operations Management 
  • Sales and Marketing 
  • Supply Chain Management  
  • Business Administration
  • Commerce

Diploma (1-Year) Programs

Diploma in:

  • Accounting
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Banking & Finance
  • Business Administration
  • Entrepreneurship & SME Management
  • Finance
  • Human Resource Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Public Administration

Post Graduate Diploma (1-Year) Programs   (Offered upto Spring 2020)

PGD in:

  • Accounting
  • Accounting & Finance
  • Banking & Finance
  • Business Administration
  • Entrepreneurship & SME Management
  • Finance
  • Human Resource Management
  • Marketing Management
  • Public Administration

Additional Specialization Certification

  • Additional Specialization Certification

Deficiency Semester

  • For Admission towards MSBA/ MBA (Equivalent to MS) (Admissions Halted by University)

Faculty of Science and Technology

Ph.D Program

PhD in:

  • Biotechnology (Admissions will be announced at later stage.)

Master of Science (2–year) Program

MS in:

  • Bioinformatics   (Admissions will be announced at later stage.)
  • Biotechnology   (Admissions will be announced at later stage.)
  • Genetics   (Admissions will be announced at later stage.)
  • Zoology  (Admissions will be announced at later stage.)
  • Mathematics  (Admissions will be announced at later stage.)
  • Molecular Biology  (Admissions will be announced at later stage.)

Masters (2-Year) Program

M.Sc. in:

  • Statistics    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Mathematics    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)
  • Zoology    (Admission halted as per HEC guidelines)

Associate Degree (2-Year) Programs

Associate Degree Program in:

  • Science (Maths, Stat & Eco)

Bachelor of Science (4–year) Programs

BS in:

  • Mathematics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biotechnology
  • Zoology

Diploma (1-Year) Programs

Diploma in:

  • Molecular Biology

Post Graduate Diploma (1-Year) Programs  (Offered upto Spring 2020)

PGD in:

  • Molecular Biology

Certificate Courses

  • Certificate Courses

Zero Semester

  • Zero Semester

Specialization Certificate

  • Specialization Certificate

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